
Home Forums Porto – Responsive HTML5 Template portfolio-single-carousel.html

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  • #10019846

    Hello, im working in the portfolio-single-carousel.html page, on the first carrousel. I replaced the revolutionSliderCarousel with my images and its ok. Now i want to be able to clics this images, when i put the href tag the image change his visualization.

    how can i put an href tag without break the carousel images?

    thank you

    div id=”revolutionSliderCarousel” class=”rev_slider fullwidthabanner” data-version=””>

      <li data-index=”rs-1″ data-transition=”fade” data-slotamount=”7″ data-easein=”default” data-easeout=”default” data-masterspeed=”300″ data-rotate=”0″ data-saveperformance=”off” data-title=”” data-description=””>
      `<img src="img/salidas/salidas02.jpg" alt="" data-bgposition="center center" data-bgfit="contain" data-bgrepeat="no-repeat" class="rev-slidebata-no-retina />


    Hello, thanks for your purchase.

    Just put the data-link attribute in the LI element:

    <li data-link="index.html" data-index="rs-1" data-transition="fade" data-slotamount="7" data-easein="default" data-easeout="default" data-masterspeed="300" data-rotate="0" data-saveperformance="off" data-title="" data-description="">
    	<img src="img/projects/project-carousel-1.png" alt="" data-bgposition="center center" data-bgfit="contain" data-bgrepeat="no-repeat" class="rev-slidebg" data-no-retina>

    Kind Regards,


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