Hello. I have some problems with the appearance of the site. I would appreciate it if you could help me with these issues. These are:
1- There is a view on the Home Page as in “Image-1”. However, when we switch to the mobile screen, it looks like “Image-2”. What I want to do about this is that the black part is slightly transparent (about 20%) and the rest of the image appears in the back. In addition, when I look at it on mobile, the image and the black background completely disappear. These should not disappear either.
Image-1: https://prnt.sc/bXolt8iZmH5J
Image-2: https://prnt.sc/wn6E-Uo70mUV
2- As in “Image-3”, there is an unnecessary gap on the right side. I need to eliminate this.
Image-3: https://prnt.sc/grxfnyFnjD0l
3- As you can see in “Image-4”, the pop-up section that opens above creates a visual problem because it does not fit on mobile. How can we make this mobile compatible?
Image-4: https://prnt.sc/qWwmFYNBEd5w
4- Finally, if I want to use a video instead of an image in the first item, how should I proceed?