How to change Nivo Slider settings

Home Forums Porto – Responsive HTML5 Template FAQ’s How to change Nivo Slider settings

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  • #1672

    The Nivo Slider has plenty of settings to fiddle with.

    The Nivo Slider is being initialized in the file js/views/view.home.js:

    Below is an example of the code with all available options:

    	effect: 'random',               // Specify sets like: 'fold,fade,sliceDown'
    	slices: 15,                     // For slice animations
    	boxCols: 8,                     // For box animations
    	boxRows: 4,                     // For box animations
    	animSpeed: 500,                 // Slide transition speed
    	pauseTime: 3000,                // How long each slide will show
    	startSlide: 0,                  // Set starting Slide (0 index)
    	directionNav: true,             // Next & Prev navigation
    	controlNav: true,               // 1,2,3... navigation
    	controlNavThumbs: false,        // Use thumbnails for Control Nav
    	pauseOnHover: true,             // Stop animation while hovering
    	manualAdvance: false,           // Force manual transitions
    	prevText: 'Prev',               // Prev directionNav text
    	nextText: 'Next',               // Next directionNav text
    	randomStart: false,             // Start on a random slide
    	beforeChange: function(){},     // Triggers before a slide transition
    	afterChange: function(){},      // Triggers after a slide transition
    	slideshowEnd: function(){},     // Triggers after all slides have been shown
    	lastSlide: function(){},        // Triggers when last slide is shown
    	afterLoad: function(){}         // Triggers when slider has loaded

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