IMPORTANT! How to configure / change settings in the template

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    It’s possible to change the JS settings by extending the defaults from the template, that way is so much easier to update the theme changing only one JS file.
    Here are a few samples on how to do that:

    Changing Settings

    1) Changing the “scroll to top” icon:

    $.extend(theme.PluginScrollToTop.defaults, {
    	iconClass: 'fa fa-chevron-up'

    2) Changing the “word rotate” default delay:

    $.extend(theme.PluginWordRotate.defaults, {
    	delay: 3000

    You can find all the defaults of the plugins and partials in the file js/theme.js as you can see here:

    Changing Plugins Options

    The template includes a very simple way to configure the elements that are initialized automatically, such as the sliders, you just need to put the settings in the “data-plugin-options” attribute, as you can see below:

    <div class="slider" data-plugin-revolution-slider data-plugin-options='{"startheight": 700}'>

    It works the same way for most of the plugins included in the template: owlCarousel, Word Rotate, Twitter Feed, etc…

    If you want to disable the auto initialization you can just add a class “manual” or remove the data-plugin-* attribute:

    <div class="slider manual" id="myRevolutionSlider>

    So now you can initialize that using the standard JS mode:

    $(document).ready(function() {

    Remove/Disable a Plugin or Partial

    If you want to remove/disable a plugin or partial that has a “initialize” function completely, follow this example:

    theme.PluginScrollToTop.initialize = function() {};

    You can find all the available plugins and partials in the file js/theme.init.js as you can see here:

    Manually Initializing a Plugin

    Some of the plugins/elements are initialized automatically, if you want to disabled that and call the plugin via Javascript, follow these steps:

    FROM (HTML):

    <div class="owl-carousel" data-plugin-options='{"items": 6, "singleItem": false, "autoPlay": true}'>

    TO (HTML):

    <div class="owl-carousel manual" id="owl-example">


    $(document).ready(function() {
    		"items": 6,
    		"singleItem": false,
    		"autoPlay": true

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