Can you tell me how can I let the carousel cards with the same heights? Here is my screenshot:
Is there any css class can use to keep all cards in the same height?
Here is the partial code:
<div class=”owl-carousel nav-outside nav-arrows-1 custom-carousel-box-shadow-1 appear-animation” data-appear-animation=”fadeInUpShorter” data-appear-animation-delay=”750″ data-plugin-options=”{‘responsive’: {‘0’: {‘items’: 1}, ‘479’: {‘items’: 1}, ‘768’: {‘items’: 2}, ‘979’: {‘items’: 3}, ‘1199’: {‘items’: 3}}, ‘autoplay’: false, ‘autoplayTimeout’: 5000, ‘autoplayHoverPause’: true, ‘dots’: false, ‘nav’: true, ‘loop’: false, ‘margin’: 10, ‘stagePadding’: ’75’}”>
<div class=”card border-radius-0″>
<div class=”card-body text-center”>
<p class=”card-text font-weight-light”>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc viverra erat orci, ac auctor…</p>